Thursday, March 15, 2012

95% Undefeated

All Critics (58) | Top Critics (23) | Fresh (55) | Rotten (3)

Courtney really does believe all that stuff about adversity and character, and the film is moving for its modest tale of boys learning to act like men.

This film is distinctly minor league. But it does provide the thumbs-up emotional lift of a bumper-sticker message on game day.

It's a credit to directors Daniel Lindsay and T.J. Daniels that the personal stories of the kids and coaches resonate more than the wins and losses.

Undefeated is undeniably inspirational stuff.

For the most part admirably chooses honest documentation over emotional manipulation.

"Undefeated" is an emotional and effective film, and I'm happy for it. inspirational and often touching film that lets us get to know a dedicated coach who has faith in his players and delivers what he promises (almost).

This is a film that doesn't cater only to the traditional football fan.

In introducing us to [Coach] Courtney...Undefeated finds its voice

Just like a well-fought playoff win, it'll leave you a little misty-eyed.

This is one of the best sports documentaries of the last few years and while I don't think it should have won in a VERY good year for non-fiction film, I'm really not upset at all that it did.

Finds the warmth and vulnerability that is sometimes hard for outsiders to see beneath the rough, damaged exterior of the impoverished Memphis neighborhood where much of the action takes place.

Undefeated does more to draw a straight line between the desire to win (as opposed to actually winning) and the character of a man than a thousand locker room pep talks.

This year's Oscar winner for Best Documentary Feature seems almost too good to be true...but that's what makes it so effective.

Has a huge heart. There won't be a dry eye in the crowd.

a remarkable documentary about the power of commitment and resolve

Should be required viewing of anyone who is committed to becoming a teen athlete -- or a coach of one.

If you can get through this movie dry-eyed, you are made of sterner stuff than I.

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